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Personal Information
Applicaton fee is $25 per adult

Employment Information

Other Occupants

You must list all other persons who will live in the dwelling unit, including children. Any persons over 18 years of age must complete the personal information portion of this application.


No pets are allowed without prior Management consent. There is no banned breeds list, but we do not allow aggressive pets of any kind.

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Reasonable Accommodations: If a resident, prospective resident or someone associated with a resident has a disability, he/she may 
make a written request for a reasonable accommodation at any time during the tenancy. Accommodations in rules, policies, practices, 
or services may be made when such accommodations may be necessary to afford such person equal opportunity to use and enjoy a 
dwelling. Respondents acknowledge a housing provider can deny a request for a reasonable accommodation if it would impose an 
"undue financial and administrative burden" or it would "fundamentally alter the nature of the provider's operations." Please contact the 
Property Manager to get a copy of the reasonable accommodation policy and the necessary forms for you to complete and return. The 
Property Manager will provide a timely written response to your request for a reasonable accommodation. 
I declare that this application is complete, true and correct and I herewith give my permission for anyone contacted to release the credit 
or personal information of the undersigned applicant to Management or their authorized agents, at any time, for the purposes of 
entering into and continuing to offer or collect on any agreement and/or credit extended. I further authorize Management or their 
Authorized Agents to verify the application information including but not limited to obtaining criminal records, contacting creditors, 
present or former landlords, employers and personal references, whether listed or not, at the time of the application and at any time in 
the future, with regard to any agreement entered into with Management. Any false information will constitute ground for rejection of the 
application, or Management may at any time immediately terminate any agreement entered into in reliance upon misinformation given 
on this application. 
Public record history which indicates that an applicant’s tenancy would constitute a direct threat to the health or safety of other individuals or 
whose tenancy would result in substantial physical damage to the property of owner or others will result in rejection of the application. 
Such criminal history may include, but is not limited to, sexual assault or other sex related crimes, the sale or manufacture of illegal 
drugs, crimes against persons, burglary or theft. A complete list is available upon request. 

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